Delivering quality wells
Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) at Seadrill
MPD technology offers significant benefits all-around. As an adaptive drilling process, it enables precise control of the annular pressure profile throughout the wellbore, greatly enhancing safety and efficiency.
An introduction to Seadrills approach to Managed Pressure Drilling
Through adopting new technologies, improving connectivity and increasingly digitizing the way we work, we have complete visibility and control of our assets, coupled with powerful business intelligence that enables us to monitor, manage and share performance data from any area of the business in real-time.
Each of our modern rigs generate billions of lines of data every day. The ability to draw insights from these large data sets presents endless possibilities in how we optimise our drilling performance and ensure the effective care and maintenance of our equipment – without compromising on safety.
We are also using technology in the form of state-of-the-art simulation training facilities, to provide our crews with the best, hands-on technical and leadership training in the industry.
Industry Leading Training
Raising the standard in drilling